Situated between Ghana and Benin at 8 degrees North by 1 degree and 10 minutes East is the epic African state of Togo. Shaped like a pogo stick this state of 5,858,673 that official speaks French and many unofficial indigenous languages will be my home for the next 27 months. If you do the math that means I will return December 10th, 2010, start counting down for Christmas and New Years 2010 they will be the best yet.
My first three months in Togo will be spent training in a little town 55km outside the capital city of Lome. Once I am done, I will serve as a natural resources management agent which involves a myriad of skills from well building to teaching sustainable agriculture techniques in rural villages.
I know my absence will drastically alter your lives as you currently know them. But do not worry the transition will not be that harsh. This blog will be where I will post updates and tales of my fantastic adventures.
I will also be sad because I will not see any of my dear friends and family for two years so please keep in touch. I will be desperate to hear about anything from updates about eating McDonald's to photos of you and the new addition to sticker collection. There are a couple ways in which you can contact me. One way is through the new electronic mail (this fad seems to be staying around) my address is below. Or through traditional mail, all you need is an 98 cent stamp that you can get any post office, the address is also below. If you really want to make someone's day write me a letter, every letter I get while I am over there will be very special to me and I thank you ahead of time.
Note: if you letter is really great or something big happens in your life I might buy a goat or a smaller animal and sacrifice it in your honor, feel free to start writing now.
Address in Togo:
Charles Kienzle, PCT
Peace Corps
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